Sunday, April 02, 2006

Camosun College Elections

Fortunately for, Camosun College's students' union and student newspaper both have websites. From this, we learn that the Camosun College Student Society (CCSS) has elections twice a year - in the spring and fall. Spring 2006 elections do not begin until later this week - April 4 - 6, to be exact. Thus, we are free to speculate as to who of the candidates [PDF] are likely to win. The whole process will be overseen by Chief Electoral Officer Michel Turcotte, who is the CCSS Office Resource Coordinator, and the owner of the CCSS website.

Jenn Chapman is favoured to be elected as External Executive, seeing as she is the only candidate for said position. Most of the other positions have multiple candidates, and there do not seem to be any official slates. Curiously, the CCSS executive is structured such that there are more candidates elected from specific constituencies (Women's Director, Pride Director, International Students Director, Students With Disabilities Director, and First Nations Student Association Director) then there are representing all students at one campus or at the entire college (External Executive, Finance Executive, Lansdowne Executive, Interurban Executive).

In addition, there are two referendum questions on the ballot. One of these, a referendum to create a $14/month fee to pay for building a student union building, was hotly opposed in an editorial by The Nexus, the Camosun College student newspaper.
The real glitch with this proposal, however, lies in the professional planning ability and organizational maturity of Camosun’s student society. It simply isn’t there. The student society, at best, flounders to undertake even a small campaign; that is, if they are provoked enough to organize one.

At worst, the student society can be seen as a collective of politically minded students who have in years past submitted falsified time sheets, and who continue to bicker like young children in a way that can prevent inspired students from getting things done.



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