Update on Evan Cole Resignation
Joey Coleman has obtained the following resignation letter from Evan Cole, ex-President of the University of Saskatchewan Students' Union:

Joey Coleman has obtained the following resignation letter from Evan Cole, ex-President of the University of Saskatchewan Students' Union:

Labels: cfs, saskatchewan
Yes, I agree that the CFS'ers on the Executive should be handing in their resignations. This seems to be the CFS way, if someone who is not blinded by the group think of the CFS is elected at a CFS school (or a school CFS is pouring money/resources into taking over), they go after them viciously. That completely ignore the rules and make their own rules to suit them along the way.
I would also expect the resignations of the Councillors who overruled the Chair of the USSU Council in order to call the Special Assembly in complete violation of the USSU Constitution. It is very sad to watch the CFS situation at USSU continue to be dirtier by the day.
This also points out why Student Unions' really need J-Boards to make sure that no one can just violate the rules as they please.
This interview's doublespeak is amazing. It shows just how messed up things are at USSU because of the CFS:
My message to the CFS is to get out of the internal politics of individual Students' Union.
My message to the student leaders at USSU, give your heads a shake and ask yourself what good this all does for your members?
This was my favourite part of the interview:
P (Sheaf): But our full process wasn’t followed. They wouldn’t be willing to let us adhere to our processes? Do you think they would have sued us?
G (Gardiner - USSU President last year and CFS National Executive member): Do I think they would have sued the USSU? Of course I think they would have. We entered into a contract that they consider closed. I don’t know if they would have sued us, but we would have broken a contract in their eyes and when you break a contact, a lawsuit can occur.
Basically he is saying:
Yes, if we listened to our rules, the CFS would have bankrupted us by forcing into a long drawn out expensive legal battle wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars.
For the record, Evan Cole is the FARTHEST thing from a CFS supporter. Evan is a stand up individual who only would have taken that union in the right direction, and his asshole executive team should be ashamed of themselves, along with idiot former executive and current councillor Sarah Connor (the girl who knows nothing but says a ton) should be more than ashamed of themselves. Between them and Gavin Gardiner, I hope they all realize they're Fed Pawns, and that this will kick them in the ass later in life.
Doesn't the fact that an organization would sue you for not wanting them on your campus is sketchy at the fundemental basis. Not only that, doesn't it send red flags up to anyone that Gavin would approve of this and continue to go forward. Sketchy business at the USSU, and Evan could have helped that. You've made the bed you sleep in, and I hope Cody Lang BOMBS as the President!
As a point of information, it should be said that as for "CFS'ers on the Executive," two of them have tenuous ties to CFS while the other two want nothing to do with the organization.
VPs Ashlee Smith and Alice Collins, from my understanding, support CFS but did not actively campaign or publicly declare their support for the lobby group (Collins is, however, Sask Rep for CFS).
VP Brad Flavell helped Evan Cole campaign for the 'No' side during the CFS referendum. It's not hard to imagine what he thinks of CFS.
President/VP Cody Lang is also no fan of CFS, but has resigned to the fact that last year's student council voted to approve the referendum results and must abide by that decision. As a fiscal conservative, Lang is as displeased as anyone else about the sketchiness of the referendum which lead to serious financial issues for the USSU (the U of S Board of Governors has refused to collect the CFS fee from students, leaving the USSU to foot the bill).
Thank you for your clarification Jeremy! I did not know that. It is disgusting what has happened at USask.
I would just like to ask that you use some discretion when slandering individuals when you obviously do not know all the facts about the situation. Let's all be professional here and respect the wishes of our students.
The students of the U of S wished to be led by Evan Cole. That has been taken away from them by the diligent professional and personal harassment perpetrated by a select few. I also find it interesting that the USSU has made no announcement to it's members, but simply quietly updated it's webpage and is trying to see if anyone notices.
This may not be a CFS conspiracy, but it's still a damn shame.
" Anonymous said...
I would just like to ask that you use some discretion when slandering individuals when you obviously do not know all the facts about the situation. Let's all be professional here and respect the wishes of our students. "
So you you know all the facts? Or at least some that aren't stated here. Would you mind sharing them please? I really would like to know the complete story! Thanks!
I do not think that students wish to have all the dirty politics that are occurring at USSU.
In terms of slander, you may want to look up the word before throwing it around.
I suggest you read up on slander before throwing the word around:
The Sheaf is now up
More Coverage:
Being an MSC at the U of S, i feel disinclined to comment on whether or not certain people need to resign their respective positions. HOWEVER, I will say that the student politics at the U of S are dirty at best and need to be cleaned up. Hopefully the students of the university can see through this mess and elect a president that can put a halt to the shenanigans. As for "slandering" councillors, I think its alright. It lets us see what others really think of our ideas and actions.
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