National Day of Action 2007

(That me on the left!)
The rally and impromptu march in Vancouver, though smaller than in 2004, still managed to produce quite a strong response. Our march through the streets of downtown Vancouver only covered half of the road; cars still ran on the other half, and many of them honked in support of us. The student press covered the National Day of Action very comprehensively (Langara, Lakehead, Concordia, etc.) and the mainstream media also took notice.
However, I think that the simple message "Students wants tuition fees reduced" won't really resonate if the pundits like Ian King respond by stating "Yeah, but it's a bad idea." King's stance - that the government should increase the provincial grant program - was actually stated in the speeches that preceded the march, but this was drowned out in the storm of "Reduce Tuition Fees" posters.
I just had to comment.
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